No Kelompok Mata Kuliah KODE MATAKULIAH NAMA MATA KULIAH SKS yang disajikan JS yang disajikan ECTS yang Disajikan ECTS yang Ditempuh Student Workload Contact Hours Independent study Sem C/E Prasyarat Level CPMK/ Sub RPS
1 A. MATAKULIAH  DASAR PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER UNIVUM6001 Pendidikan Agama Islam (Islam Education) 3 3 0.16 4.92 4.00 0.00 4.00 1 C Universitas 3/12 16
2 UNIVUM6002 Pendidikan Agama Protestan (Christianity Religion Study) C Universitas 4/6 16
3 UNIVUM6003 Pendidikan Agama Katolik (Catholic Education) C Universitas 3/9 16
4 UNIVUM6004 Pendidikan Agama Hindu (Hindu Education) C Universitas 5/12 16
5 UNIVUM6005 Pendidikan Agama Budha (Buddhist Education) C Universitas 6/0 16
UNIVUM6006 Pendidikan Agama Konghuchu (Khonghucu Education) Universitas 6/0
6 UNIVUM6014 Pendidikan Kepercayaan (Spiritual Education) C Universitas 3/8 16
7 UNIVUM6007 Pendidikan Pancasila (Pancasila Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 2 C Universitas 7/37 16
8 UNIVUM6008 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 2 C Universitas 8/21 16
9 UNIVUM6009 Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian for Scientific Purposes) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 2 C Universitas 6/0 16
10 UNIVUM6010 Manajemen Inovasi (Innovation Management) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Universitas 2/12 16
JUMLAH A 12 12 15.08 19.84
11 B. MATAKULIAH KEILMUAN DAN KEAHLIAN (MKK) Matakuliah Dasar Keilmuan Pendidikan UNIVUM6011 Pengantar Ilmu Kependidikan (Introduction to Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 1 C Universitas 6/18 16
12 UNIVUM6012 Perkembangan Peserta Didik (Learner Development) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 2 C Universitas 4/14 16
13 UNIVUM6013 Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Learning and Teaching) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 3 C Universitas 3/8 16
14 Matakuliah Bidang Studi FFIPUM6001 Filsafat dan Teori Pendidikan** 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 2 C Program Studi 12/44 16
15 FFIPUM6002 Psikologi Pendidikan** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 1 C Program Studi 2/3 16
16 FFIPUM6003 Sosio dan Antropologi Pendidikan** 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 1 C Program Studi 9/21 16
17 PPLBUM6001 Psikologi ABK(Psychology for children with special need) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 3 C Program Studi 5/15 16
18 PPLBUM6002 Tes  Psikologi(Psychological testing) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 5 C Program Studi 5/6 16
19 PPLBUM6003 Pendidikan Jasmasi Adaptif(Adapted Physical education) 2 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 2 C Program Studi 3/9 16
20 PPLBUM6004 Ortopedagogik (Introduction of education for children with special need) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 1 C Program Studi 6/5 16
21 PPLBUM6005 Ortodidaktik (Introduction of teaching for  children with special need) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 1 C Program Studi 7/5 16
22 PPLBUM6006 Bhs Inggris Profesi 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 1 C Program Studi 5/15 16
23 PPLBUM6011 Orientasi dan Mobilitas 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Program Studi 7/11 16
24 PPLBUM6016 Pendidikan anak dengan hambatan pendengaran (Education for children with hearing impairment) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 3 C Program Studi 5/11 16
25 PPLBUM6017 Pendidikan anak dengan hambatan intelektual (education for  children with intelectuall disability) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 6 C Program Studi 6/10 16
26 PPLBUM6018 Pendidikan anak dengan hambatan penglihatan (education for children with visual impairment) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 2 C Program Studi 12/39 16
27 PPLBUM6019 Assesmen ABK (Assesment  for children with special educatin need) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 2 C Program Studi 10/25 16
28 PPLBUM6020 Pendidikan  anak dengan hambatan fisik dan motorik (Education for  children with  physically handicapped) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 2 C Program Studi 6/12 16
29 PPLBUM6024 Media Pembelajaran ABK 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 3 C Program Studi 5/16 16
30 PPLBUM6025 Pengembangan Bahan Ajar ABK 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Program Studi 5/12 16
31 PPLBUM6026 Evaluasi Pembelajaran ABK 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 C Program Studi 8/15 16
32 PPLBUM6027 Strategi Pembelajaran ABK(Instructional strategies  for children with Special education need) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 C Program Studi 5/11 16
33 PPLBUM6028 Penelitian Pendidikan khusus (Research for Special education  need) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Program Studi 7/12 16
34 PPLBUM6029 Pembelajaran Mikro 3 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 6 C Program Studi 4/7 16
35 PPLBUM6030 Praktikum Pendidikan Khusus (Magang 1) 2 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 3 C Program Studi 5/7 16
36 PPLBUM6031 Pembelajaran Kecakapan Hidup (Magang 2) 2 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 5 C Program Studi 5/7 16
37 PPLBUM6032 Statistika Pendidikan(Educational statistics) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 C Program Studi 5/10 16
38 PPLBUM6033 Pengembangan Kurikulum  ABK 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 2 C PPLBUM6005 Program Studi 5/12 16
39 PPLBUM6034 Pembelajaran IPA ABK(Teaching science  for children with special need) 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 4 C Program Studi 4/10 16
40 PPLBUM6035 Pembelajaran  IPS ABK(Teaching Social studies for children with special need) 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Program Studi 7/11 16
41 PPLBUM6036 Pembelajaran Matematika ABK 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 6 C Program Studi 8/18 16
42 PPLBUM6037 Pembelajaran Seni ABK (Teaching Arts for children with special need) 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 4 C Program Studi 6/16 16
43 PPLBUM6038 Pembelajaran Bahasa ABK 2 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Program Studi 4/11 16
44 PPLBUM6041 Seminar PLB/PKH 2 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 7 C PPLBUM6028, PPLBUM6032 Program Studi 3/7 16
45 PPLBUM6045 Anatomi Fisiologi 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 1 E Program Studi 5/14 16
46 PPLBUM6049 Kewirausahaan 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 6 C Program Studi 5/13 16
47 PPLBUM6100 Skripsi (Thesis) 6 6 9.68 9.68 242.00 70.00 172.00 8 E Program Studi 4/8 16
48 UPLPUM6090 Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan 4 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 7 C Universitas 6/11 16
49 UKKNUM6090 KKN (community studies) 4 16 25.55 25.55 638.67 186.67 452.00 7 C Universitas 4/0 0
JUMLAH B 98 127 207.747 207.7433
50 C. MATAKULIAH PEMINATAN & PENGEMBANGAN DIRI PPLBUM6013 Pendidikan Anak  Berbakat(Education for  gifted and talented) **** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 6 C Program Studi 3/7 16
51 PPLBUM6007 Perspektif Pendidikan Inklusif **** 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 3 C PPLBUM6004, PPLBUM6005 Program Studi 11/37 16
52 PPLBUM6008 Pendidikan Anak   Berkesulitan Belajar(Education for children with learning disabilities) **** 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C Program Studi 4/10 16
53 PPLBUM6009 Bina wicara (Speech therapy) **** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 C Program Studi 4/8 16
54 PPLBUM6010 Braille(Braille) **** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 3 C Program Studi 6/12 16
55 PPLBUM6012 Bina gerak (Physiotherapy) **** 2 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 4 C PPLBUM6045 Program Studi 5/8 16
56 PPLBUM6014 Pendidikan Anak  Autis **** 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 4 C Program Studi 7/14 16
57 PPLBUM6015 Massage(Massage) **** 2 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 3 C PPLBUM6045 Program Studi 5/7 16
58 PPLBUM6021 Manajemen Pendidikan Khusus **** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 3 C Program Studi 5/16 16
59 PPLBUM6022 Bimbingan Konseling ABK **** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 C Program Studi 6/10 16
60 PPLBUM6023 Komputer Pembelajaran  **** 3 4 6.51 6.51 162.67 46.67 116.00 6 E Program Studi 4/9 16
61 PPLBUM6039 Gerak Irama (dance rithmic)**** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 3 C Program Studi 5/10 16
63 PPLBUM6047 Analisis Pengubahan Tingkah laku **** 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 5 C PPLBUM6001, PPLBUM6005 Program Studi 5/6 16
64 PPLBUM6043 Pendidikan Anak Tunaganda **** 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00 35.00 88.00 6 C Program Studi 6/11 16
PPLBUM6040 Teknologi Asistif  (Assisted technology) **** 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 6 E Program Studi 6/13 16
65 PPLBUM6051 Pendidikan Multikultural 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 C Program Studi 4/6 16
66 PPLBUM6053 Gizi dan Kesehatan (Health and nutrition) 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 3 E Program Studi 5/12 16
67 PPLBUM6055 Neuroscience(Neuroscience 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 7 E Program Studi 5/30 16
68 PPLBUM6059 Okupasi Terapi 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 4 E Program Studi 5/10 16
69 PPLBUM6057 Komunikasi Augmentatif 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 7 E Program Studi 5/11 16
70 PPLBUM6065 Komunikasi Total 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 6 E Program Studi 7/16 16
71 PPLBUM6063 Akupresur 2 2 3.33 83.33 23.33 60.00 5 E Program Studi 5/14 16
JUMLAH C 50 55 90.7867 67.45333